Why Should I Breastfeed?

Why Should I Breastfeed?

Breastfeeding Protects Your Baby

1. Early breast milk is liquid gold. Colostrum (coh-LOSStrum),known as liquid gold, is the thick yellow first breast milk that you make during pregnancy and just after birth. The milk is very rich in nutrients and antibodies to protect your baby.

2. Your breast milk changes as your baby grows. Colostrum changes into mature milk. By the third to fifth day after birth, this mature breast milk has just the RIGHT nutrients to help your baby continue to grow. It is a thinner type of milk than colostrum, but it provides everything your baby needs.

3. Breast milk is easier to digest. For most babies, especially premature babies, breast milk is easier to digest than formula. The proteins in formula are made from cow’s milk, and it takes time for babies’ stomachs to adjust to digesting them.

4. Breast milk fights disease. The cells, hormones, and antibodies in breast milk protect babies from illness. It is unique; formula cannot match the chemical makeup of human breast milk. Studies have shown that it is more common for formula-fed babies to have ear infections, diarrhea, and other diseases.

Mothers Benefit from Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can take a little more effort than formula feeding at first. But it really can make your life easier. Breastfeeding does not require any bottles or nipples to sterilize. You don’t have to buy, measure, or mix formula. And there are no bottles to warm in the middle of the night!

Breastfeeding saves money. Formula and feeding supplies can get costly. Healthcare costs also tend to be lower as breastfeed babies are sick less often.

It’s more than just feeding. Physical contact can help newborns feel more secure, warm, and comforted. Mothers benefit from this closeness as well. It requires you to take some quiet time to relax and bond with your baby.

It ‘s good for your health, too. Studies show women who breastfeed have a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes, Breast Cancer Ovarian, and Postpartum Depression.

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