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In December 2015, I gave birth to my third son, Paxon. He was also born via natural childbirth and went immediately skin to skin and breastfeed after birth. On our second day in the hospital, I noticed that my breast was getting very sore and tender. I was also starting to develop a blister on one of my breast. I requested to speak to the lactation consultant right away. I informed her my previous experience and that I wanted to prevent this from occurring again. This lactation consultant was awesome. She gave my several pointers on how to correct Paxon’s latch. It took several tries to correct his latch but I was determined to ‘get it right’ this time. Once we were home, we continued to breastfeed and I felt like things were going well but I was once again producing a large amount of milk and was experiencing the engorgement similar to when I had my previous son. I was able to get assistance from a fellow volunteer with the Indiana Black Breastfeeding Coalition, Lisa Diamond. She listed to my concerns and gave me excellent advice on how to correct his latch, reduce the firmness in my breast prior to nursing and so much more. I was so very thankful for her help. She took my calls no matter the time of day. Paxon went on to be a wonderful breast feeder with no complications except the occasional episodes of biting once he starting cutting teeth; I contemplated ending his days of breastfeeding then. But I forgave him and we continued on our breastfeeding journey for 13 months. Paxon also did well from the pediatrician’s point of view. Although he was similar weight as my other two sons at birth, he was my biggest by far with our visits to the pediatrician. He gained weight well and never experienced any problems. Paxon loved to nurse. Zion used to say, ‘Mommie, Paxon needs your oranges again. He’s hungry’. Although he has been weaned from the boob for quite some time now. Paxon is still fascinated with the ‘oranges’. I was very grateful to be given the chance to get it right this time. The support I received from IBBC definitely is a major reason form my successful breastfeeding experience with Paxon and the reason why I enjoy being a volunteer and assisting others with their breastfeeding journey as well.
D. McCane
I enjoyed the class! It was very informative and I learned some things I did not know. It also helped ease some of my fears about breastfeeding in general. The one thing I was concerned about is how to you know if the baby is or isn't getting enough milk during feeding. It was helpful to know how tiny their stomachs really are and that our bodies prepare for that moment of the first feedings before they arrive. I also thought it was helpful to just be reminded that our babies know what to do, they just need a little help and if we watch for the signs and cues, that'll take us a ling way. I like that we talked about what to do when we go to the hospital to make sure we get a good start on breastfeeding by not allowing the nurses and/or doctors give a bottle right off the bat. Overall, I think there was a good scope of material covered and I really did enjoy the class. I hope this is something that you guys can continue to offer in the future, good information!
T. Houston
When I attended the black breastfeeding coalition class it was nothing like i expected. The class and the lactation specialist really educated me on the powers of my body. I learn that breastfeeding is not only healthy for baby but mommy also. I am hoping to build up both of our immune system on my journey of breastfeeding this time around. The class alone was very knowledgeable for me specially on latching. Its very scary for a first time breastfeeding mom to take in so much information but any concerns or questions I had they were answered directly by the lactation teacher. The only worries I left with were how to get a breastfed baby on a schedule. This is my second baby ; you can imagine I had 10 bottles made up with times on it. So I am worried about that but this is a question that can only be answered by my child. Other than that I have no complaints. Great feedback, professional, and they even provide you with a bosom buddy to help you during your breastfeeding journey. Which is awesome considering its not easy and mom's definitely need all the support they can get.

Why I Decided To Breastfeed

My decision to breastfeed this time around was definitely my frustration with store bought milk. I can't tell you how many times I had to take back expired milk or examining inside every can. My first child is healthy but some of the things she had to go through really bothered me as a new mom. Rashes, colic, clotted vomit the list goes on. I'm hoping to have a different experience with my second child and really looking forward to being in control of what my child consumes. Thank you to the Indiana Black Breastfeeding Coalition for all of your help. I really appreciate it! Keep up the good work.
C. Manney
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